jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

2º ESO Athletics

Hello everybody, I want to share with you some videos about the different disciplines we are carrying out in this unit.

First of all, here you are a video about a relay race. I want you to pay attention in the moment they exchange the baton (en el momento en el que intercambian el testigo)

Secondly, here you go a brief explanation about the correct shot put technique (la técnica correcta del lanzamiento de peso), look at the different steps to get a perfect technique.

Finally, these two videos are about the triple jump we will see the next week. It is very important to know that after you take off, the first time you land again, you must step on with the same foot you took off before (es importante saber básicamente, que por ejemplo si empiezas el salto impulsándote con el pie derecho, el primer pie que tienes que apoyar después es de nuevo el derecho).

I hope these videos may help you to improve both your knowledge and your technique