sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016

2º ESO Unit 1

1º - 2º ESO Analyzing an image

Observe (objective analysis)

Describe what you see. • What do you notice first? • What people and objects are shown? • How are they arranged? • What is the physical setting? • What, if any, words do you see? • What other details can you see?

Reflect (subjective analysis)

Why do you think this image was made? • What’s happening in the image? • When do you think it was made? • Who do you think was the audience for this image? • What tools were used to create this? • What can you learn from examining this image? • If someone made this today, what would be different? • What would be the same?

1º ESO Unit 1

Visual perception

Video 1

Video 2

Gestalt principles

Video 1

Video 2